Suitai Electronics, Ltd. We strive to pursued quality perfection. We built our enterprise image through continuously improvement and enhancement of products to achieved customer satisfaction.
Suitai Electronics, Ltd. takes your online privacy seriously. You may visit this site anonymously as often as you like without providing any personally identifying information (such as your name, address or e-mail address). We do not collect personally identifying information from you except when you specifically provide it, and we protect the information we receive. We never share your e-mail address with third parties. Please read below for a further explanation of what information we gather and how we use it.

The Information You Provide
As you explore our website, you will come across places in which we ask you to provide us voluntarily with information about yourself. In most of these instances we are seeking only your e-mail address so that we can send you the specific information that you request. In other instances, such as a contest, we request both your e-mail address and your name (along with your contest answer), so that we can contact you by name in the event that you win. All of these activities are purely voluntary; if you do not wish to reveal your name, e-mail address or other information, you are free simply to ignore these offerings. If you decide to participate, we will not use your name or e-mail address for any purpose other than as stated, and will not sell or rent your name or address to third parties not affiliated with Suitai Electronic, Ltd. At other places in this site, we ask for your feedback, opinion or suggestions, and provide you with a form for e-mailing us your response. If you send your e-mail to us, it will include your e-mail address in the "From" line. But again, as in the case of contests, we promise to use the e-mail address we receive in this manner only for the purpose of responding to your questions or suggestions, and will not approach you with unsolicited offers or provide your e-mail address to anyone else.

Cookies are electronic tags that most major websites place on your computer in the process of sending your computer a file, such as a Web page. We use them in a limited fashion as well. In essence, a cookie is a unique bit of computer code that is placed on your computer the first time you visit our site. It tells us simply when a computer that has previously visited our site returns, and it identifies your computer's browser and operating system to help us make the best connection. In no event does the cookie we place on your computer tells us anything about your visits to other websites or your use of the Internet in any other way. If you would prefer not to receive any cookies, most browsers can be set to refuse cookies or to alert you when one is being sent. It is possible, however, that some portions of this site may not function properly if the cookies are disabled.

Links to Other Sites
If you choose to purchase an item, our site contains links to other sites that are not under our control, even though they may use the Suitai Electronic, Ltd.'s name or logo on their site through an agreement with us. Such other sites do not necessarily follow our privacy policies, and may place their own cookies on your computer. This practice is standard on the Web, and we do not control cookies placed on your computer by third parties whose advertising or links appear on our site. Security of Private Information We would like to be able to tell you that the information you provide us is absolutely safe. Unfortunately, several well-publicized instances of computer security breaches make it impossible for anyone to be so confident. The most we can tell you is that we take reasonable steps to protect the information you provide us from theft, alteration or unauthorized inspection. In addition, in rare instances, we will disclose private information to necessary parties to protect our site or other visitors.

If you have any concerns regarding privacy issues, please email us at Please include the words "Privacy Policy" in the subject line of your e-mail.

Revised: May, 2006